由資深名校科主任Raymond Sir親自編寫。Raymond Sir有多年教授 Biology 科經驗,多年來同學成績卓越,奪A無數。Raymond Sir根據多年教學經驗及文憑試設題模式,編寫100條習題及自備精簡筆記,令同學於短時間內掌握試題重點及答題技巧。同學不容錯過。
1. Cells and Molecules of Life
2. Genetics and Evolution
3. Organisms and Environment
4. Health and Diseases
5. Human Physiology: Regulation and Control
6. Biotechnology
註: 此工具必須於在線才能,WiFi最佳。
如果使用上遇上疑問,或有意見反映,請Email: [email protected] 與我們聮絡。
Designed by experienced teacher Raymond Sir, this app includes a broad range of biology topics to prepare students for the Hong Kong DSE.
The App is consisted of 6 sections, a total of about 100 questions. Subject areas include:
1. Cells and Molecules of Life
2. Genetics and Evolution
3. Organisms and Environment
4. Health and Diseases
5. Human Physiology: Regulation and Control
6. Biotechnology
Note: This App REQUIRES connection to Internet to work, WiFi suggested.
If there are any queries or feedbacks related to this App, please email: [email protected]